Getting in Contact with College Coaches
To Win the Recruitment Game, You Have to Know the Game
Speaking with Coaches
Today there are a number of ways to reach out to a coach. But how exactly do you do it in order to represent yourself professionally?
Email Contact with College Coaches
The most important tool to help you get recruited will be emailing college coaches. Most coaches will not know who you are, but an e-mail will automatically allow you to stand out from the crowd.
How to Phone Call College Coaches
The phone call is the gateway to success in the recruiting game. Although other forms of contact can initiate a relationship, phone calls are the most efficient way for a coach to build a real one.
Text Messaging with College Coaches
Text messaging is very common nowadays and many people prefer it even over phone calls. Although text messaging does not initiate a relationship very well, it can be a very convenient way to maintain one.
Recruiting and Social Media
Social media is a major component in today’s recruiting game. Once upon a time coaches could only interact with athletes over the phone or in person, but today they can watch you through social media without ever telling you they are doing so.
Getting College Recruitment Letters from Coaches
Printed letters are rather uncommon in today’s recruiting game, but they are still used by coaches. All letters may not communicate the same level of genuine interest.
Staying in Contact with College Coaches
Once you start your recruiting journey, finding the right school will come down to building relationships. However, relationships always require a great deal of work.
How to Make a Top Notch Highlight Film
Highlight Film is no longer a luxury in the recruiting game. Smart phones have made it incredibly easy for almost anyone to film themselves during competition. Film can help a recruit, even in the smallest of high school sports environment to showcase their talent.